While Covid-19 continues to impact businesses in the coming months, there are still opportunities to strengthen your online presence, build trust and drive conversions.

As companies trim excess spending from their operating budgets, they could also be thinking about strengthening their online presence while focusing on the ROI.

The focus should be on raising your brand's profile to reap the rewards long-term.

Businesses will experience leaner times this year due to the global pandemic. Covid-19 is a direct side swipe to best-laid plans, and this makes it all the more important to focus on effectiveness. It is a mistake to cut digital spend in times of uncertainty when the focus should be on raising your brand's profile to reap the rewards long-term.

Five key areas to focus on are:

  • Technical SEO
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
  • Design
  • Campaign landing pages

I haven't included advertising, content or social as these are areas we do not cover as an agency.

Technical SEO

Search Engine Optimisation always will be an effective marketing tactic and features high as part of your overall marketing strategy. Technical SEO is one of the most critical SEO tactics of them all. Improving website performance by improving your technical SEO will reduce bounce and increase page views; impact revenue, and enhance your rank in Google.

User Experience (UX)

A healthier, happier marriage between business and UX design in 2020 will prove fruitful for companies willing to invest. The goal of better user experience is the creation of solutions that also provide business value. With effective UX increasing revenue in 2020, it will become the leading brand differentiator overtaking price and product.

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO)

Your website is full of macro and micro conversions, actions you want your users to take like buying something from your site or requesting a quote, to subscribing to a newsletter or adding a product to the cart. The benefits to CRO are better ROI, improved customer insights, better user experience and trust.


Design-led companies had 32% more revenue and 56% higher total returns to shareholders compared with other companies. Those that tracked design impact had a user-centred approach, embedded designers in cross-functional teams, prototyped and continuously iterated and had disproportionate returns compared to those that only touched on some the Design Thinking principles. 

Campaign Landing Pages

Convert visitors into leads or customers with awesome high-converting landing pages. Provide a valuable offer in exchange for contact details that allow you to market in the future. Promote your landing page through Calls To Action (CTAs) on your high-performing website pages, through a targeted email campaign, social media, or ad spend.

At GrowCreate we work with some fantastic clients. We think of our clients as partners where we work hard to develop and continuously improve their solutions. As well as regular monthly contracts and a rock-solid SLA we work with our clients to build better businesses over the long term.

Although it doesn't feel like it, now is a great time to nudge those projects along as you will have your agencies attention more than ever.