Becoming a sustainable web agency.
The internet is a massive polluter responsible for roughly one billion tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, or around 3.8% of global carbon emissions. It consumes large amounts of electricity in data centres, telecom networks, and end-user devices. If the Internet was a country, it would be the 7th largest polluter in the world.
Net Zero Hero
Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint fast, so we have already calculated our Greenhouse Gas emissions for 2020 and 2021, offsetting 9,000 Kg CO2 through Climate Partner to be Carbon Neutral.
We signed up for a more sustainable future with the Net Zero Now web agency platform. Net Zero Now provides a practical climate solution for technical services businesses, by providing the tools to complete our journey to Net Zero and communicate our success to our customers and employees.
GrowCreate isn't just a Net Zero Web Agency, but a .Net Zero Web Agency delivering sustainable web design and performance websites on .Net platforms.

Houston, we have another problem!
When the World Health Organization tells us that climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year, it is not enough for GrowCreate to aim to be Net Zero or even a Carbon Negative web agency.
Every search and web page emits CO2, so we are implementing a new strategy to deliver clean and efficient web design and development, to better understand the data associated with our services, and where we can retrofit managed websites to be more efficient.
Watch this space!